Calculating your average rainfall in your local area – Crystal Rain Gauge

Calculating your average rainfall in your local area

best place to put your rain gauge 
Determine where you'll get the most accurate measurements

Rain gauges are an essential tool for measuring rainfall patterns in a particular area. However, to get the most accurate readings, it's important to place your rain gauge in the right location. In this article, we'll discuss the best place to put your rain gauge for accurate readings.

Choose an open area 

free from obstructions such as trees and buildings that could block rainfall. The ideal location would be an open field, but if that's not available, find the most open area possible.

Keep the area clear from obstructions

Nearby trees, buildings, and other objects can block wind and rain, leading to inaccurate readings. Position the gauge on level ground to avoid pooling of rainfall on one side that could affect the measurements.

Something to keep in mind!

Heat sources such as buildings, concrete, and asphalt can cause the rain gauge to heat up and affect the readings. So, it's best to place the gauge away from heat sources for accurate measurements.

Don't forget to ensure that your rain gauge is easy to access so that you can empty it after each rainfall. If it's difficult to access, you may be less likely to empty it regularly, leading to inaccurate measurements.

What Is A Rain Gauge?


What Is A Rain Gauge?
